Diversity & Inclusion action: Free Registration at ECML-PKDD 2023
We support Diversity & Inclusion in the ECML-PKDD community. We will offer 3 free registrations to female students/researchers or people belonging to underrepresented communities to attend the 2023 edition.
To participate in the award selection, candidates should complete the form (https://forms.gle/yxvyPs7Qdrv3sge47) by June 25, 2023. Please insert in the form a cover letter (in the last field) describing why your participation would foster diversity and inclusion in ECML-PKDD 2023.Individuals who will receive the free registration award for diversity and inclusion will be notified by June 28, 2023.
SoBigData Award for Diversity and Inclusion
Computer and Data science currently fail to adequately address equality and diversity issues, as there are genders and minorities which remain woefully underrepresented. The European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics, the SoBigData++ Horizon 2020 project has a mandate to promote equality and has established an award to promote a more diverse participation in computer and data science events. SoBigData++ has created the SoBigData Award for Diversity and Inclusion aimed at fostering participation from underrepresented groups, providing support to cover costs connected with the participation in computer and data science events.

About the Award
- The SoBigData Award for Diversity and Inclusion is fully sponsored by the SoBigData++ Horizon2020 project.
- The number of awards available per single event ranges from a minimum of one to a maximum of three individuals
- SoBigData++ will sponsor this event with a maximum of €2.500
- This sum will be divided among a minimum of two awardees
- The sum per awardee will depend on the number of awards.
- The sums spent by the awardee will be reimbursed only after they have been spent.
- Covered expenditures include only event registration fees (offered by ECML-PKDD 2023 Organizing Committee), transportation costs, and accommodation costs.
Eligibility Criteria
SoBigData++ has created the SoBigData Award for Diversity and Inclusion aiming to promote a more diverse participation to computer and data science events, aiming to promote the participation of:
- Individuals that identify with a minority group, following the European Commission’s definition.
- Individuals who are either PhD students or have obtained their PhD and are Early Career Researchers.
- Awardees will be selected by a panel within the SoBigData++ project.
How to participate
In order to participate to the award selection, candidates are asked to:
- Complete the form and paste within it a cover letter, describing why they feel their participation would foster diversity in participation in the selected event.
- Awardees will be contacted before the event by the SoBigData++ project with further details regarding the reimbursement process and allowed expenditures.
- To participate, please complete the form below before 8 June 2023.
- Individuals who will receive the SoBigData Award for Diversity and Inclusion will be notified by 22 June 2023.
After receiving the award
- Awardees will be asked to produce evidence of their expenditures (via receipts, confirmation of payments, et al.).
- Awardees will be asked to write a short article about their participation in the event and current research work which will be published on the SoBigData website and publications.
- Awardees will be asked to give permission to the SoBigData consortium to use their name and image on the SoBigData communication channels and publications.

SoBigData++ has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 871042